
Truth shall set you Free


Why, Study Hebrew?

Why, Study Hebrew?


2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to shew theyself approved unto God (Yahuveh) a Workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth"


The Sabbath Rest For Christians is Attained by Faith

The Sabbath Rest For Christians is Attained By Faith:
{Hebrews 4:6-11)

How Important is it to Enter that Rest?

May the Ruach Ha Kodesh Anoint this and cover this with Yahushuas prescious Blood and May the Ruach Ha Kodesh lead me as I share Truths and the Importance of Entering this Rest and being obedient to The Sabbath(4th Commandment of Yahuveh's). In Yahushua Ha' Mashiach's Name. Amen~

The Sabbath is a Commandment by our Heavenly Father Yahuveh. It is the 4th Commandments that he himself took rest on the 7th day from all his Work from creating the World and everything in it. Yahuveh, blessed and anointed this day, for us as his Followers to keep it Holy. 

Was this done and Away with at the cross? 
No, it wasn't because in: Matthew 24:20 " Pray that your flight may not be in the winter or on the Sabbath".  Which was the prophecy concerning the Destruction of Jerusalem. Yahushua advised his followers to pray their flight from the city, be not in winter nor on the Sabbath! This is strong proof that Yahushua had no intention for the Sabbath to be done and away with.

You have to Digest and Study, Scripture along with Discernment from the Holy Spirit (The Ruach Ha'Kodesh) to help you have the knowledge and the wisdom and understanding. But you must Seek to understand, you must have a Willing heart to learn and to grow). It cannot be something you feel is a hasel to do just because, You must want to understand our Father's Word and Will and You must have the hunger, the desire the thirst for Growth.

I pray you will, all who reads this. Time is limited while we are here temporally. For those who choose to not listen to our Father's Word, you are hardening your hearts, you are being disobedient and are sinning toward Yahuveh. For this should not be taken lightly, We are commanded to keep the Sabbath Holy.

This is a True Sign a Conveant between Yahuveh and his Children for his children hear his Voice and the Follow and they strive for obedience the strive for Righteousness they are Bold as lions, for Yahuveh. They Speak The Truth and Share the Truth and have no Shame in proclaiming our Father's Word. We are Not here to please people but we are to please our Father Yahuveh. We are to be his instruments to be used for him to share his Glory and shine it to others, proclaming Truth in his Word.

Why are the Churches today not talking about this?

Because they are eithier:
1. Deceived themselves
2.Know very well what they are doing and are sugar coating the Truth to make it sound pleasing to peoples ears, and are ultimately leading people Away.)

We are, to have a Relationship with Yahushua (Jesus Christ) it isn't about religion. The Reason, thing's are so mixed up is because the enemy has gotten in the churches and is twisting Yahuveh's Word. Truth is being taken out of Yahuveh's Word and Man is changing it, these people are working for the enemy by doing so. We are to Lead people towards Yahushua not Away! Most Churches are in there slumber, and Yahuveh is telling them to wake up, Repent and Turns towards him.

This is one of the saddest thing's I feel, that we as Believers as Followers of our Heavenly Father, shouldn't we share Truth that is, in our Father's Word? not Hide it? No sugar coating! This is nothing but a deception and lie straight from hell. This is the Truth, Sharing something you know but covering it up and sugar coating it, and not sharing Full Truth is leading souls to hell.

The thing is, most people cannot handle Full Truth. yes it is heavy, but heavy in a Good way. Why would you want to listen to half truths? I don't know about you but I would rather hear Full Truth and nothing but the Truth! no lies , no sugar coating things. 

Examine yourself and see for yourselves in Scripture with Discernment from the Ruach Ha'Kodesh (The Holy Spirit). Not going by man!~

If you are only going by what Man says, you are falling away from the Truth, you are falling into Deception). We are To go by what the Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha'Kodesh) says right in the Word, and what She says too us.

More on the Ruach Ha'Kodesh (The Holy Spirit) being a She on another post/page.) I only encourage those with Spiritual Ears and eyes to read that) and with an open heart and mind).

Oh Father that peoples eyes would be open ears open hearts open to your Word, Truth is right there in Scripture, Father help them see, help them learn for those who are willing may you seek to find and may you have the wisdom the knowledge and understanding as you study and discern. In Yahushuas name Amen.

The Sabbath is,Sanctified, blessed and Anointed By YAH. Genesis 2:2-3 It was observed by the Lord himself

Set Apart= Away from what the World is doing) Holy/Pure/What is Right And True And Noble. Strive for Obedience Strive For what is Right~ Fix your eyes upon our Father in Heaven~

The Apostle Paul and the Disciples observed this 7th Day) of the Week (Saturday) even after the Resurrection they observed it. Acts 17:2/Acts 18:4

Lastly, The 7th day is a Divine Sign Which the God, of Israel places in the minds of his people. 
-Exodus 20:12 & 20/ Isaiah 66:22-23

It will continue in the New Heavens and the New Earth
psalm 95:10-11/Hebrews 4:9-11

Many Believers Followers of YAH, are going to be excluded from that Divine Rest, because of there Disobedience, of the Sabbath Commandment. 

Repent And Turns Towards YAHUSHUA. ~

For more on The Sabbath --> Click Here.

Those Against Almighty Wind Repent~

Repent you who are Against Almighty Wind~


A Closer Relationship W/Yahushua

A Closer Relationship With Yahushua Our Messiah Lord, And Savior:

One way,is Always staying in Prayer, talking to him through out your day, let him know your thoughts, your concerns, your worries. Lift everything up to him for he cares and Loves you. 
Secondly, Go into the Word, grab a notebook, write down anything that comes to you from the Ruach Ha'Kodesh. Any notes from Scriptures you are reading.

Thirdly, Ask for Forgiveness everyday, even if you do not know a particular sin, for example like this:
Father please Forgive me, for anything I've done wrong, today, any sins I do not know of, Cleanse me and renew me. )

Forth, Check out this: I had found this from one of the Ministry I love, and admire, it truly is a anointed ministry of Yah. Amighty
This talks about how having communion everyday can bring you closer to Yahushua, I really admired coming across this was really excited to share, I hope this encourages you, as it did for me. I was praying To Yahushua, on how Can I have a more intimate relationship with you? and tonight I was doing some seeking and came to this as I was reading on the Ministry's website. Praise our Father! 
As always, I encourage you to Pray over this if you feel as though you, want a closer Relationship with Yahushua.

Trusting/Communication are two important things you, need to be in communication with him Prayer) and you Need to Trust him for he always knows whats best for you~ when you worry, or you doubt go to him he will help you, you just need to have Faith and Believe  and Trust in him.


Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual Maturity: How to Grow and Learn

I was led to share something's on this particular topic. This is a very important topic to discuss and to understand that you will only Grow as, you Seek to Understand our Father's Word. Father may the Ruach Ha'Kdesh manifest strongly within me stir me up Father that only your Words would be spoken through me as I write this out. May this be Anointed in Yahushua's name Amen!

I was reading today and came across some Scriptures and was also reading over this Devotional. It encouraged me and I was relfecting on Spiritual Maturity. Some people want Wisdom and more Knoeldge but they do not take the time to Study the Word out. To be Good Students we need to put our effort into it, we need to not just Read over the Words, but Have your Heart Be open to Reading it with not just your Mind, but of your Heart. Take the time to Spend in Yahuveh's Word to Grow, to Learn to Mature, to develop, Wisdom, and Knowledge, and Understanding. The Ruach Ha'Kodesh will help you and will guide you as you read and as you Seek to Understand more.
Time Is short, and we need to make the best of every day. My best advice as from my own experiences, is to take time in the Morning when you first wake up. Go right into Prayer
Talk to Yahuveh, Thank him for today another day!~ And all blessings, Do some reflection on yourself , self examination. Allow the Ruach Ha'Kodesh to show you thing's in the Word) Take a notebook and pen and write down whatever you are led too. As you Study in the Word take notes and reflect over them meditate, and listen to Yahuveh. You will feel so, Peaceful and much Joy as you Spend time with our Father.

Pray for Wisdom Knowledge, and Understanding along with Spiritual Discernment.


Warning on Lack of Knowledge (Hosea 4:6))!~

I pray over all who read these Words for they are not from me but from The Ruach Ha'Kodesh Yahuveh's Spirit (The Holy Spirit). I pray for a covering of your prescious blood over this Father, I pray that people would have ears to hear, and understand. May the Ruach Ha'Kodesh Annoint this and Protect this and, provide people Wisdom, knowledge, and Understanding, as they pray and seek you. Thank you Yahushua~~~ In Yahushua's name I pray Amen.}}}}}}}}}

The Ruach Ha'Kodesh led me to share as I was sleeping,I had a dream that this verse was said over and over, and than when I awoke he told me to Warn his people--- as I was getting ready to go back to asleep he said Stay awake and go Warn my people--->

 in (Hosea 4:6)
that his people are destroyed for there lack of knowledge- Reading the Word, strengthing your Faith and coming into Maturity,- For if you don't read his Word, you will not grow Spiritually. He wants me to warn about this~<3 You will be led to Idolatry things of this World, for your lack of knowledge and lack of Ackowledging Yahuveh (God). I would encourage you to Read the whole book of Hosea, and pray for Spiritual Discernment}}}.

We must keep in His Word, to learn, to grow, we need to be filled with his Word,(not things of this world) for he speaks to us in his Word, and through His Word, we grow into Maturity. Study and Pray, Seek to understand with your whole heart, for it is not about just head knowledge, but heart too.)

 If you have read my testimony- from my past experience, lacking in Reading and Studying his Word, in a sense I was destroyed- and the longer we don't feed ourselves with his Word to grow, we become Spiritually Dead- you will than be put over to a Reprobate Mind. This is going on rocky paths as if one continues to be in a Reprobate Mindset- they will be disapproved & disqualified.
However, Truly Converted Followers of our Lord (Yahuveh) and Savior (Yahushua)- you do not need to worry that you will be found Reprobate. As long as one remains on the Narrow, difficult path leading to the Narrow Gate of Salvation- (Matthew 7:13-14). The Road to Hell is Wide- but the Path to Heaven,is Narrow).
"Enter ye in at the straight gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way; that leadeth to destruction,and many there be, which go in thereat" -Matthew 7:13

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." -Hosea 6:6

"Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.  By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood." —Hosea 4:1,2

A lot of people will be, destroyed for there lack of Knowledge of Yahuveh and Ackowleding Yahuveh.- You are walking towards Spiritual Darkness-}} if you are rejecting- and are lacking)))))}}}}

"For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them." —Matthew 13:15

"And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." —2nd Thessalonians 2:10

"And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible." —Isaiah 13:11

"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." —Psalm 97:10

You Choose- if you want life, or death. Time is limited- For we cannot Gurantee tomorrow, and our Father our Sovereign Lord and Savior Yahushua is coming back for his Obedient Bride. Seek to be obedient, seek righteousness, purity, humbleness. Don't loose your Faith when the Storm hits, because yes there is going to be storms the walk is hard but we need to keep our eyes on Yahushua.

Reading and Staying in his Word, is our Armor and Shield against the Enemy.} Yahushua is coming back and there will be Wrath for those who choose to be disobedient and reject him- those that do not have a True Relationship with him, please take this seriously.{Pray, Seek-Read, Study) Time is Short!~

A little more in depth on Hosea 4:1-5:15}}}} A look Closer--->

No knowledge of Yahuveh (4:1-5:15)
Hosea 4:6 says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” This is the most misquoted passage in the Bible. I've even heard it quoted by health food nuts to support their agenda. Lack of what knowledge? Look at the context - 4:1 says “there is no knowledge of God (Yahuveh) in the land.” Knowledge of God (Yahuveh) is the context. The word also means to acknowledge. I think both definitions are appropriate:

Because of their idolatry, they had failed to learn about Yahuveh and as a result they did not know Yahuveh. They did not have a relationship with Him.
Also it should be obvious by now that they did not acknowledge Yahuveh either. They did not acknowledge that it was Yahuveh who was responsible for their prosperity and it was Yahuveh to whom they were responsible. Chisholm points out that the word “know” was “used in Ancient Near Eastern treaties of an inferior party’s attitude toward his superior.” He was to recognize the superior’s authority over him and do his will. Yahuveh will was that they act a certain way and they should have. (Biblical Theology of the OT, p. 400)
Jeremiah 22:15-16 equates Josiah’s concern for social justice with knowing God. Josiah knew Yahuveh, recognized his responsibility to Yahuveh and acted on it. It is the same thing we see over and over again --in the law, in the prophets, in the Sermon on the Mount - your relationship with people shows your relationship with Yahuveh. It shows whether or not you know Yahuveh.
4:15-17. Israel was more degenerate than Judah and Hosea is warning Judah to stay away from Israel and not to follow in her footsteps.