
Truth shall set you Free

The Feasts Yahuveh's Holy Days

This Page will talk about the YAHUVEHs Feasts. And a Few other Links Provided for further study~
Why Do I Feel The Need to Share about the Feasts?
Because YAHUSHUA celebrated the Feasts, and they have great significance to when he Returns. We know from the Holy Prophecies Given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah that YAHUSHUA will Return on a Sabbath, we Know not which one, Study to learn now

To Understand the Season, you are going to have to some studying on the Feasts. His Appointed times, when we learn them we can observe them and when we observe them, we are in Dress Rehersal for Yahushua's Return! It's actually really exciting, to learn these Feasts. Also they are very Annointed and Blessed~ unlike the Traditional Holidays This World portrays} which is a dellusion and deception to get people off track of YAHUSHUA and the Truth of his Feasts ~ Seek to Find and the RUACH HA KODESH will guide you and help you~
The Pagan Holidays(Truth)  *Credit to AlmightyWind}}
Please Go to or to learn more about why we need to understand the Holy Feast Days and to Be Obedient too them *