
Truth shall set you Free


Truth Behind Halloween

I am praying over anyone who reads this, that they would have Eyes and Ears to hear and see Truths Father Yahuwah that you would reveal to them Truths regarding Pagan Holidays especially Halloween, Father that you would bring them Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding. Thank you Father in Yahushua's name we pray Amen}}}}
Here is a Video I made regarding Halloween, was led to share somethings from the Ruach Ha'Kodesh.

I am led to share Truths on Halloween. I hate to break it to anyone, that doesn't know but this Holiday isn't really a "Fun, and inocent Holiday" This Holiday is Pagan and it is pure Evil. When you take part in this, you are going against Yahushua, you are celebrating Satan. There are too many excuses for taking part in this and trying to bring it in to Churches is wrong and offenseive to our Heavenly Father. He did not create this Holiday, he did not take part in this Holiday, it is NOT in his Word. so Ask yourselves, why are you taking part in it along with all the other Pagan Holidays, if you are truly a Follower of Yahushua?

Why Am I sharing this, boldy? Because I care, and most impotalnty our Father Cares. I have a Responsibility to speak Truth and Share Truth- I want people to understand the seriousness of taking part in this Wicked Holiday. Please pray on this and anything else as always I encourage, and to look up yourselves, Truth in this Do your Study, Pray and Allow the Ruach Ha'Kodesh to help teach you. 
I want to share something with you. I use to take part in this Holiday, and never understood the in depth, wickeness, of this day and what it truly was about and who its about. I didn't have the knowledge of our Father's Word than and didn't understand the history behind this day along with many other Pagan Holidays. For awhile, I felt something was wrong but didn't understand what it was because of my lack of knowledge and, lack of maturity in my Faith/Growth. Later on, Yahushua showed me in a Dream a Warning but I did not understand, and didn't pray on it as much as I should have, I just assumed it was warning me about something that was painful that would happen to me, as I saught a persons advice rather than Yahushua to reveal to me confirmation of what he was warning me about. Therefore , I continued on of course in Christmas and, it was after that I got another Warning that Yahushua was telling me this is what Ive been trying to warn you about to stay away from he was showing me I was stuck in the Spirit of Religion/Idolatry. I was taking part in the World's ways and didn't realize the damage I was doing to myself and Relationship with Yahushua. He told me it's an abomination its against him, and I need to get out of that and Repent. When I realized the heavyness of this, my Heart ached and I mourned for sometime. I finally got what he was telling me and it sadden me it took so long to get it, but I rejoice now because of Yahushua taking me out of what was damaging to me and my Relationship with him. He is so humble and so merciful and for that, along with his patience and forgivness and love, I Am Honored and Grateful that he woke me up out of this Deception.

I'm sharing this all because I want to be able to help you. I don't want you to be stuck in what the World says is ok and harmless. Don't seek that, don't seek what seems to be good, dont seek mans opinion. From my Experiences I want to help you, and encourage you to seek Yahushua for he will show you when you have a willing and humble heart he will show you as you seek to learn to grow.
Don't be fooled by, churches who take part in these activities. For they are deceived and teaching abomination against our Father. I pray people  would wake up to Truths, and be willing to learn and grow as the Ruach Ha'Kodesh teaches and shows you Truths.~

Truth on Halloween The Dangers of Taking part in this.  (Credit to Almighty Wind ))

1st Post!

This is my First Blog Post.~ I am excited to, start this up!
Through out this Blog, I will be sharing thing's that has helped me in my Walk, with Yahuwah. I will also be sharing anything the Ruach Ha'Kodesh leads me too ~
May what I share encourage you and help you in your Relationship with our Father, as you seek him you will find him, and the Ruach Ha'Kodesh will lead you into all Truths.

I named this Blog Darash- Emeth which is: Seek Truth in Hebrew, because it comes from my Favorite Scripture: Jeremiah 29:13

Which talks about Seeking our Father, with your whole hear there you will find him.~ That;s what encouraged me for this name~ May you Be Blessed in Yahushuas name, as you seek more truths about our Fathers Word, and Will. Shalom!~

Check out the Pages I have Listed as I will be sharing links etc to help you out!}