
Truth shall set you Free


Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual Maturity: How to Grow and Learn

I was led to share something's on this particular topic. This is a very important topic to discuss and to understand that you will only Grow as, you Seek to Understand our Father's Word. Father may the Ruach Ha'Kdesh manifest strongly within me stir me up Father that only your Words would be spoken through me as I write this out. May this be Anointed in Yahushua's name Amen!

I was reading today and came across some Scriptures and was also reading over this Devotional. It encouraged me and I was relfecting on Spiritual Maturity. Some people want Wisdom and more Knoeldge but they do not take the time to Study the Word out. To be Good Students we need to put our effort into it, we need to not just Read over the Words, but Have your Heart Be open to Reading it with not just your Mind, but of your Heart. Take the time to Spend in Yahuveh's Word to Grow, to Learn to Mature, to develop, Wisdom, and Knowledge, and Understanding. The Ruach Ha'Kodesh will help you and will guide you as you read and as you Seek to Understand more.
Time Is short, and we need to make the best of every day. My best advice as from my own experiences, is to take time in the Morning when you first wake up. Go right into Prayer
Talk to Yahuveh, Thank him for today another day!~ And all blessings, Do some reflection on yourself , self examination. Allow the Ruach Ha'Kodesh to show you thing's in the Word) Take a notebook and pen and write down whatever you are led too. As you Study in the Word take notes and reflect over them meditate, and listen to Yahuveh. You will feel so, Peaceful and much Joy as you Spend time with our Father.

Pray for Wisdom Knowledge, and Understanding along with Spiritual Discernment.

We will Not Grow unless we want/desire too~
1 Peter 2:2" As new born babes,desire the sincere milk of the Word,that ye may grow thereby."
When you are Born Again, you are Spiritually Immature, a Baby) You don't want to stay like so,you want to continue to grow Spiritually, and grow into Maturity. Keep that Fire burning, for our Father and that Thirst and Hunger for more Spiritual Meat. 

One of the Conditions of being a Child of Yahuveh, is Repentance)
To turn away from Sin, or Sin's) One must bring in Fruits of Repentance, if there is no Fruit you are not truly Repenting From your Sin, or Sins. This will lead you to Growth and improve in Yahuveh's Work.))

Mainting the Desire to Grow:
Don't let yourself get, Spiritually dried out. Keep that Hunger and Thirst for Yahuveh ~ You must keep that Desire to Grow)
Don't Loose your Zeal! The enemy prowls around looking for those, who are still imature and babys in there Growth to take your mind an thoughts off of Yahuveh. Keep the Armor of Yahuveh on you at all times.

When I first came back to Yahushua, I didn't realize Spiritual Battle and what took place in Spiritual Warfare. Let me say you want to be prepared and, Sharing of some Wisdom on this, I Would recomend always reading and staying in the Word, as your Shield and, staying in Prayers. Don't loose your Zeal, Keep that Hunger) If you loose that you are more prone to go into Sins, and if you have the Shield off of you, you will be more prone into temptations. 

Keep your Eyes on Yahushua~ For he truly does direct your paths.
Many Scriptures describe the need to grow and mature spiritually:
Ephesians 4:14,15 - Be no longer children, but grow up in Christ.
2 Peter 3:18 - but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
2 Thessalonians 1:3 - The Thessalonians grew exceedingly in faith.
Philippians 1:9 - Paul prayed for their love to abound more and more.
Many problems result when members fail to grow: some go back to the world, others cause strife because of ignorance or become stumblingblocks because of irregular attendance, worldliness, or indifference.


Anonymous said...

You have grown so much spiritually sweetie, and you have so much of God's wisdom and knowledge stored in your heart and mind. I love what u wrote, it's true to the Word of the Lord, organized and very persuasive. I know this blog will truly inspire and encourage others, and I know it will open their eyes :) There's so much power in what u said; the Holy Spirit is just flowing out of you. Keep on reaching out to others. I believe that you are a strong catalyst for others to find the Lord and to grow in their Faith
Love, Erin

For YAHUSHUA said...

Praise YAH :D all Glory too him thanks for the comment I don't know how I missed this until now but praise YAH :D